Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heaven and Earth Chapter 4

In the fourth chapter, Le Ly and her mother left Ky La after being accused by the Viet Cong of collaboration with the enemy.  They went to Danang in order to find somewhere to work away from members of the Viet Cong.  They found a suitable home with Lien and Anh, who became Le Ly's first love; he soon became more than just her employer.

Le Ly and her mother left Ky La in search for work to help support their family.  This reminded me of the many immigrants who arrive alone in America so that they can work to support their families remaining in their home countries.  They find some kind of work, then send most of their paycheck back home, much like Le Ly and her mother did.  However, she was very upset at the thought of leaving her father and hometown.  So when Anh offered his love, Le Ly eagerly cherished any feelings which reminded her of her loving father back in their village.

Le Ly's mother realized that her daughter and their mistress were becoming more intimate, and she began to drop hints to Le Ly about ruining Anh's family and being thrown out of his house.
"She couldn't see how it broke my heart to be caught in this dilemma--to accept Anh's love, wrong another woman, and endanger his fine family; or reject him and not only risk our own position but lose this small bit of happiness I had finally found in life.  What was I to do?"

However, Le Ly ignored her mother's warnings and grew more intimate with Anh.  When he visited her in her bedroom, she had an Epiphany.  She realized that genuine love between a man and a woman was possible.  An Epiphany is a moment of sudden revelation or insight, and it changed the way Le Ly viewed the world and her life tremendously.  She wished dearly for a family with Anh; little did she know that she would have his child within the following year.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog was really interesting and descriptive. You used the lit term well. It seems as if Le Ly had some sort of epiphany in almost every chapter in some form or another.
